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Bowls and Vases
One of the aspects of fruit forms that deeply impresses me is the almost tangible internal energy that emanates from their shapes. To materialize the idea of that force and of the dynamism it promises, I give my pieces tense surfaces and twisted grooves.

Two Bowls
D = 29cm - 34cm, stoneware, coiling

The More the Merrier
H = 14cm, stoneware, coiling

Copper Vase
H = 56cm, stoneware, coiling

Small Copper Vase
H = 38cm, stoneware, coiling

Twisted Red
H = 48cm, stoneware, coiling

Thin Red
H = 49cm, stoneware, coiling

Marija's Vase
H = 42cm, stoneware, coiling

Comme un bateau rouge
H = 48cm, stoneware, coiling
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